Murder Capital of the World - The Lost Boys (1987) fanlisting


... to Murder Capital of the World, the fanlisting for the 1987 movie, The Lost Boys. It is one of my most watched and favorite vampire movies ever made. If you're a fan of this movie, please take a button to link back if you have a site and add your name to the fans list! This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network and The Movielistings Network.

Fanlisting Statistics

The fanlisting was last updated on March 6, 2025. We currently have 65 members listed, from 15 countries, and there are 0 members waiting to be added. Welcome to Tv Kid.

Website Affiliates


 David  Hackers  High Tension  Netflix  Schindler's List  Watching Television

Site Information

© Lindsey. Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] (original author: Angela Sabas) is used to manage the fanlisting and the layout was designed by Lorian.