... to Disaster, the fanlisting for the movie Duplex, released in 2003 and starring Ben Stiller & Drew Barrymore as a young couple who believe they have found their dream home, only to discover it's anything but! This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network. If you're a fan of this movie, please take a button to link back if you have a site and add your name to the fans list!

Fanlisting Statistics
The fanlisting was last updated on February 24, 2025. We currently have 31 members listed, from 3 countries, and there are 0 members waiting to be added. Welcome to Kiara.

Website Affiliates

 Ben Stiller  Drew Barrymore  Hackers  High Tension  Netflix  Schindler's List  Watching Television

Site Information

© Lindsey. Best viewed in Chrome, Firefox or IE. Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] (original author: Angela Sabas) is used to manage the fanlisting and images came from the DVD.